Find Me the Money! How are We Going to Pay for Our New or Renovated Firehouse?
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Rich Tyler Eric Pros

When we are buying what is needed to survive on our daily basis, we must come up with a plan and a vision on how we are going to pay for it. This is not any different for Fire Departments. One of the biggest challenges for Fire Chiefs and Officers face, is finding the resources to meet municipal needs as well as public safety needs. Where and how do I come up with the money to pay for what I need? Do I have more funding options than just bonds? What am I missing, are there other funding options, are there different means to supplement the costs of the renovation or new build? Let’s discover alternative ways to fund the process.

Location Name
Solana E
Full Address
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel
9495 W Entertainment Blvd
Glendale, AZ 85305
United States