Working with Extreme Site Constraints – A Case Study of Midland Fire Stations #5 and #11
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 25, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Charles Blumenauer Justin Myers Ricardo Martinez

Charles Blumenauer, Fire Chief of Midland, Texas Fire Department, and Justin Myers, AIA will demonstrate how two concurrently designed fire stations followed principles of a modular approach to prototype design, while also examining how unique site constraints resulted in dramatic variation of the station design solutions at each facility. Although both Stations #5 and #11 required roughly the same building program, Station 11’s site provided 5.0 acres to accommodate the facility, while Station 5’s site was limited to 1/10 the size (0.5 acres). The bulk of the presentation will focus on the solutions for the site area limitations at Station #5, coupled with the process of overcoming budgetary challenges.