Why is Station Design Conference a Must-attend Event?

* testimonials taken from the 2023 post-show survey

"As a newer Chief Officer tasked with Station Builds and remodels, it gave a great perspective of the process and what to expect. The networking was great and the 1-on-ONE Session was outstanding with open information and no pressure sales tactics."

- Deputy Chief Ron Rasmussen, Snohomish Regional Fire and Rescue


"I found the Station Design Conference to be very helpful with the knowledge and experience of the speakers. I enjoyed meeting new people, networking, and getting good information to bring back to my department."

- Ryan McCarthy, Bernalillo County Fire Rescue


"If you are in the market of remodeling or building a new public safety facility, you need to attend the Station Design Conference. You will meet great people and receive excellent information for you to consider on your project."

- 2023 Attendee


"My first experience at the Station Design Conference was fantastic. This event is a must attend for anyone looking at station design from the client or design perspective."

- Shannon Hush, Hoefer Welker


"This conference was incredible! The ability to observe the 1-on-ONE meetings and see projects throughout all stages of design was invaluable. Being able to network with both fire professionals and design professionals was a great way to build connections in an innovative yet niche field. Between the classes, 1-on-ONE meetings, and networking, I would recommend this to anyone that has a passion in design, the fire service, or are even thinking of building a fire station (new or addition)."

- Aaron Comstock - University of Michigan Student


"If your organization is even thinking about a new or remodeled station(s) this is the place to be!"

- 2023 Attendee


"As a first time attendee, I found the speakers to be very informative and approachable. Vendors were also very helpful but not forcing their information on you and seemed to be there to help get information to the attendees."

- Bill Martin, Assistant Chief, Yellville Fire Department


"Great way to learn the process of public safety center development and amazing experience and background of exhibitors and speakers. Well-worth the visit for key players to attend from your jurisdiction!"

- 2023 Attendee


"This is a must to attend with any build or renovation! Quality professional speakers that will take time with you. Definitely take the time to listen, learn, and network."
- Battalion Chief Jeff Gustafson, West Bend Fire/Rescue


"The Station Design Conference has a wide variety of content. I enjoyed the start to finish process as the conference progressed. I found two sessions especially rewarding. We have huge issues with exhausted firefighters / paramedics by mid-shift. That lecture gave the attendees some solid ideas to help remedy that! Also enjoyed the Firehouse of the Future session. Lots of new trends to think about when building our new firehouse."

- Jack Treinish, West Licking Joint Fire District


"The Exhibitors at the Station Design Conference truly understand what is needed for effective Public Safety operations and can quickly and easily translate that into Architecture. It has made all the difference in my job as Senior Project Manager over Public Safety facility design & construction for the City of Pittsburgh. The costs are too high to hire an Architect without this expertise.

- Claire Mastroberardino, City of Pittsburgh/Bureau of Facilities/Architecture Division


"Not knowing where to start a station building process, this conference has given me some confidence in knowing where to start and to start the process of presenting to city administration."

- 2023 Attendee


"This conference provided confirmation that our department hired a quality architect, and that we are asking the appropriate questions. The presentations were great for a department with needs to build a new, or replace and existing fire station. As a fire chief, I wish that I would have come last year to prepare me for some of the challenges that we have faced early in our process."

- 2023 Attendee


"Even if you think you have this down, this is an opportunity to come and make sure that nothing is missed."

- 2023 Attendee


"This was our first year attending the Station Design Conference. Having, ourselves, provided facility police facility planning seminars for over 30-years, I walked away extremely impressed. The physical environment and attention given to every attendee as well as exhibitors was top notch. The teaching content and learning opportunities were thorough, and how well the organizers kept things on track made it all work. I would - and already have - recommended this conference to other colleagues and potential clients. I think it is a must for those anywhere on the facility planning spectrum, and those that serve this industry!"

- 2023 Attendee


"Experience is the best teacher and the amount of knowledge and experience involved in this conference is unlike any other. It is obvious this conference has been put on for many years because it was run beautifully!"

- 2023 Attendee


"Quality time with a great group of attendees! This is without a doubt one of the, if not the most important conference, that I attend throughout the year!"

- 2023 Attendee


"Station Design Conference is a great event to stay up to date in the public safety field and to do some great networking with other exhibitors and with fire/police departments from all over US."

- 2023 Attendee