Never Been a Worse Time to Build, but There Won’t Ever Be a Better Time
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Jeff McElravy Matt Salad Rebecca Hopkins

In this turbulent market, it may feel like there has never been a worse time to build your station. And yet, as construction costs continue to escalate and police facilities become more complex, there will never be a better time than today to get started. The challenges facing public projects in the current market are undeniable, but not unprecedented. This session will analyze recent history to trace the impact of economic change on construction costs and delve into the causes that drive complexity. We will provide practical takeaways and design methodologies that will help departments right-size their solution and positively impact service, safety, and fiscal responsibility.

Location Name
Cira C
Full Address
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel
9495 W Entertainment Blvd
Glendale, AZ 85305
United States