Designing for People & Place: A Dialogue with the Peabody Police Department
Date & Time
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Matt Salad - Tecton Architects, Inc
Jeff McElravy - Tecton Architects, Inc
Douglas Marcus - Peabody, Massachusetts Police Department
Jeff McElravy - Tecton Architects, Inc
Douglas Marcus - Peabody, Massachusetts Police Department

If a design checks all the programmatic boxes, it must be good, or at least complete…right? Wrong. What if we told you that a building can check all the boxes, but still be missing critical components that impact officer morale and the community experience. By employing an approach that focuses on the user experience, from the viewpoint of both the community and the staff, we’ve learned how to create more possibilities from the programmatic checklist. During this panel discussion, the architects and the department will describe how this unique approach not only checks all the boxes, but also responds to community identity, environment, context, and thoughtfully designs for people and place.
Location Name
Cira C
Full Address
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel
9495 W Entertainment Blvd
Glendale, AZ 85305
United States
9495 W Entertainment Blvd
Glendale, AZ 85305
United States