2023 Speakers:

Full NameCompanyJob TitleSpeaking At
David ParkerAldine Fire/Rescue, Houston, TXFire ChiefAnalyzing Options for Firefighter Training & Recovery Spaces
Cody Allarte AEMAnaheim, CA, Fire & RescueAssistant Emergency ManagerWhen You Must You Can: Modifying an Existing Facility for an Emergency Operations Center
Jannine Wilmoth PhD, RN, CEMAnaheim, CA, Fire & RescueEmergency ManagerWhen You Must You Can: Modifying an Existing Facility for an Emergency Operations Center
Craig Carter AIA, LEED AP BD+CBKV GroupAssociate PartnerTop Trends in Fire Station Design
Paul MichellBKV GroupPartnerThe Station as a Tool for It’s Users
Michael Healy AIABKV GroupProject ManagerTop Trends in Police Station Design
Marcus GibbonBrown Reynolds Watford ArchitectsProject ArchitectA Million and Two Little Details
Top Trends in Fire Station Design
Peri Sutton AIABrown Reynolds Watford ArchitectsExecutive AssociateLocation, Location, Location - Optimal Station Placement & Site Design
James Hamilton AIABrown Reynolds Watford ArchitectsProject ManagerPolice Facilities - A Million and One Little Details
Ray Holliday AIA, ASLA, LIBrown Reynolds Watford ArchitectsPrincipalLocation, Location, Location - Optimal Station Placement & Site Design
A Million and Two Little Details
Jerry StreichBrunton Architects & EngineersFire Chief/Emergency Manager (Ret.)How Station Design Can Enhance Recruitment and Retention
Fred Clifford AIABRW ArchitectsPrincipalPolice Facilities - A Million and One Little Details
Chuck SteichenBureau of Investigations and Services, Lynnwood Police DepartmentDeputy ChiefSafety First: A Case Study in Threat Mitigation
Jay Chase AIAChase MarshallPrincipalPreparing for the Unthinkable; What Happens When Your Station is Destroyed by a Natural Disaster
Ryan FreeburgCity of Glendale, AZ Fire DepartmentFire ChiefWelcome and Opening - Tenth Anniversary
Joseph LeoneCity of Kissimmee Fire DepartmentDeputy Fire Chief
Jeff Katz AIACOAR Design GroupPrincipal1-on-One
Delivery Methods: Design Build vs. Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) vs. Design-Bid-Build
Christie Jewett AIA, DBIA, NCARBCOAR Design GroupPrincipal1-on-One
Delivery Methods: Design Build vs. Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) vs. Design-Bid-Build
Malina VillanuevaCOAR Design GroupProject Manager1-on-One
Michael BensonCommand Consulting LLCCo-OwnerMission-Critical Microgrids for Mission-Critical Fleets
Tamara JamisonCORE ConstructionVice President | Public SafetyClean PSB: Improved Health & Wellness through Fire Station Design and Construction
Josh CampbellCORE ConstructionPublic Safety DirectorClean PSB: Improved Health & Wellness through Fire Station Design and Construction
Nichole HeinzCORE ConstructionNational VP of CivicAnalyzing Options for Firefighter Training & Recovery Spaces
David Arends AIA, OOACR architecture + designChairman & CEOHow to Write an RFQ/RFP: Create a Fire Department Wishlist!
Rich TylerCR architecture + designPublic Safety DirectorHow to Write an RFQ/RFP: Create a Fire Department Wishlist!
Find Me the Money! How are We Going to Pay for Our New or Renovated Firehouse?
Douglas SchmidtknechtCreekside Consulting TeamSecurity Architect and LE ConsultantInterview Room Design and Recording System – Properly Designed to Promote Safety & Security
Jonathan Tallman AIADewberryAssociate PrincipalTop Trends in Police Station Design
Eric Pros AIA, MBA, CPDDS ArchitectureDirector of DesignFind Me the Money! How are We Going to Pay for Our New or Renovated Firehouse?
Ready, Set, GO
Tim Wiley RA, NCARB, LEED APemersion DESIGN LLCPrincipal | Civic Market Group LeadReady, Set, GO
Top Trends in Fire Station Design
John JeniecFairfax Fire DepartmentCaptainHealth and Wellness by Design
Christopher Kehde AIA, LEED APFGM ArchitectsPrincipal & Managing Director1-on-One
Health and Wellness by Design
Jason EstesFGM ArchitectsVice PresidentUsing Location and Feasibility Studies to Strategically Plan for the Future
Katie Atwater AIAFGM ArchitectsSenior Associate1-on-One
Top Trends in Fire Station Design
Raymond Lee AIA, LEED APFGM ArchitectsVice PresidentDesign Considerations for Your Law Enforcement Project
Andy Jasek AIAFGM ArchitectsExecutive Vice President & Managing DirectorFIGHTING CITY HALL: The Battle to Gain Local Government Approval to Relocate a Fire Station
Jennifer Bettiol AIAGeorgetown, TXCIP ManagerAn Owner's Perspective
Tim Wayne MEd, CPMGoodyear Fire DepartmentFire ChiefClean PSB: Improved Health & Wellness through Fire Station Design and Construction
Patrick Stone AIA, LEED APH2M architects + engineersDirector of Public Safety Market1-on-One
Vehicle Exhaust Extraction Systems 101: What You Really Need to Know!
Station of the Future - Year 2055
Dennis Ross AIA, NCARBH2M architects + engineersPractice Leader1-on-One
Community Support is the Road to Funding
Station of the Future - Year 2055
Mr. David Pacheco AIA, NCARBH2M architects + engineersSenior VP1-on-One
Ken Henton AIA, NCARB, LEED APHoefer WelkerPartnerMaximizing Your Budget: Lawrence Police Headquarters Case Study
Katherine Waldrop AIA, NCARBHoefer WelkerVice PresidentMaximizing Your Budget: Lawrence Police Headquarters Case Study
Dave SlivinskiICFA ConsultingProgram Director, Fire Consulting ServicesUsing Location and Feasibility Studies to Strategically Plan for the Future
Keith Driscoll AIALittle Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.Senior AssociateMastering Project Initiation: Unveiling the Keys to Being a Effective Client
Lynn Reda AIA, LEED APLittle Diversified Architectural Consulting, Inc.Community Studio PrincipalBlueprint for Success: Crafting a Comprehensive Station Program of Requirements
Paul SegallaLong Grove Fire Protection DistrictFire ChiefFIGHTING CITY HALL: The Battle to Gain Local Government Approval to Relocate a Fire Station
Andrew WienckowskiLong Grove Fire Protection DistrictDeputy Fire ChiefFIGHTING CITY HALL: The Battle to Gain Local Government Approval to Relocate a Fire Station
Brett Hanson AIA, GGP, LEED AP, NCARBMACKENZIE.PrincipalNavigating Your Plans and Specs
Safety First: A Case Study in Threat Mitigation
Jeff Humphreys AIA, GGP, LEED AP BD+CMACKENZIE.PrincipalNavigating Your Plans and Specs
Safety First: A Case Study in Threat Mitigation
Adrienne LintonMACKENZIE.Architect and Project Manager